Elaine Warga-Murray, Regency Management Group
Oct 31, 2019
“Focus on getting the most education you can in the field; and retain your character, compassion, an
Tell us how and when you began your career in the profession you are in: My background is film and television and I started running a...

CEO, RMG- Regency Management Group, Inc.
Sep 20, 2019
40 Under 40: Elaine Warga-Murray
What is your greatest professional accomplishment? I’m most proud of assisting and mentoring 30 women to achieve professional...

By Elaine Warga-Murray, CMCA, AMS, PCAM
Jul 19, 2019
Keeping Communication Alive…
Global phone calls, global emails, global texts, web sites, online payments, digital voting and more. These are the new ways to maintain...