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8:00 AM Retail Update: Opportunities and Trends – State of the Market
• Recap on the market from the past 12 months – Large Deals, New tenants & Trends
• Mixed-use projects: Is it still the future or a thing of the past 
• How are retailers doing in today’s economy: who is still expanding in Delaware and why
• What type of projects are leasing and what are the demands of retailers 
• What’s in store for development in 2019/2020
• Future Trends and Leasing predictions and what’s on tap for future Development

9:00 AM Delaware Apartment Market/Multifamily Overview:
• Apartment and Multifamily Market State of the Industry 
• With vacancies at record lows how does Delaware stack up compared to the rest of the U.S. 
• What are the outside influences that are creating momentum in the Apartment Market 
• Investment Sales Update - How are apartment brokers getting deals done today
• The changing fundamentals of Apartments and Multi-Family 
• New Development vs. Existing: Where are the opportunities and why

10:00 AM Evaluation of the Office & What Tenants require today
• Vacancy Rates: Delaware office market update  - State of the Industry 
• Leasing trends: what projects are leasing up and why 
• What are the factors driving demand in the Office Market
• How has the needs of tenants affected what brokers need to know 
• What are the requirements of the tenants and what do terms look like today 
• Predictions on where the office market will be in the next two years

11:00 AM Adjourn and Networking

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