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Regular Rate $129
(Walk-Ins Welcome - $149 Day of Event)

4 hours Real Estate CE Approved


8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

7:55 AM: Welcome & Introduction


8:00 AM: Capital’s Comeback:

The evolution of apartment financing

  • What type of deals are HUD, Fannie & Freddie looking to target today

  • Understanding the HUD Audit Requirements & Regulatory Agreements

  • Working through compliance issues

  • How has underwriting changed

  • What is the future for the agency lenders

  • What is the outlook for 2017/2018 and beyond for lenders, buyers, sellers, developers

  • Who is lending, and what are some alternative sources of capital?

  • Which deals are more likely to get done and what are the capital requirements

  • What changes should we expect in underwriting criteria and how can we get deals done



8:55 AM: 2017 New Jersey Apartment Market Overview

  • With vacancies at record lows how does New Jersey stack up compared to the rest of the U.S.

  •  What is driving the Apartment Market and where is it driving it.

  •  What are the outside influences that are creating momentum in the Apartment Market

  •  How are apartment brokers getting deals done today

  • 2017 & 2018 Investment Sales Recap:  Was it a record year and what will 2018 bring?

  • How does the New Jersey market compare to the rest of the US

9:55 AM: Break

10:05 AM: 2017 New Jersey Multifamily Investment

and Affordable Housing Market

  • The changing fundamentals of Multifamily Investments  

  • What does the Affordable Housing Industry look like

  • Where is the apartment market heading in New Jersey and Why

  • How do you underwrite and evaluating properties in today’s marketplace

  • How are you raising equity today and what type of yields should you expect for investors

  • HUD Rent and Income Limits and your Tax Credit Property

  • Growing trends and what can we expect in the next 1 to 2 years


11:00 AM: Building a Successful Project from start to finish – Development Trends

  • Where is the biggest potential for growth in New Jersey

  • What new projects have been completed recently and what is currently under construction

  • Future Prediction on Apartment Development and Construction in New Jersey

  • Case studies of projects that have been developed and built right

  • The importance of building a strong partnership with a municipality

  • Leveraging historic tax credits to get deals done

  • New Development vs. Existing: Where are the opportunities and why

  • Downtown vs. Suburban: Where is the activity and why


12:00 PM Adjourn & Networking


Linda Christman


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