Regular Rate $129
(Walk-Ins Welcome - $149 Day of Event)
4 hours Real Estate CE Approved
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
7:55 AM: Welcome & Introduction
8:00 AM: Capital’s Comeback:
The evolution of apartment financing
What type of deals are HUD, Fannie & Freddie looking to target today
Understanding the HUD Audit Requirements & Regulatory Agreements
Working through compliance issues
How has underwriting changed
What is the future for the agency lenders
What is the outlook for 2017/2018 and beyond for lenders, buyers, sellers, developers
Who is lending, and what are some alternative sources of capital?
Which deals are more likely to get done and what are the capital requirements
What changes should we expect in underwriting criteria and how can we get deals done
8:55 AM: 2017 New Jersey Apartment Market Overview
With vacancies at record lows how does New Jersey stack up compared to the rest of the U.S.
What is driving the Apartment Market and where is it driving it.
What are the outside influences that are creating momentum in the Apartment Market
How are apartment brokers getting deals done today
2017 & 2018 Investment Sales Recap: Was it a record year and what will 2018 bring?
How does the New Jersey market compare to the rest of the US
9:55 AM: Break
10:05 AM: 2017 New Jersey Multifamily Investment
and Affordable Housing Market
The changing fundamentals of Multifamily Investments
What does the Affordable Housing Industry look like
Where is the apartment market heading in New Jersey and Why
How do you underwrite and evaluating properties in today’s marketplace
How are you raising equity today and what type of yields should you expect for investors
HUD Rent and Income Limits and your Tax Credit Property
Growing trends and what can we expect in the next 1 to 2 years
11:00 AM: Building a Successful Project from start to finish – Development Trends
Where is the biggest potential for growth in New Jersey
What new projects have been completed recently and what is currently under construction
Future Prediction on Apartment Development and Construction in New Jersey
Case studies of projects that have been developed and built right
The importance of building a strong partnership with a municipality
Leveraging historic tax credits to get deals done
New Development vs. Existing: Where are the opportunities and why
Downtown vs. Suburban: Where is the activity and why
12:00 PM Adjourn & Networking