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  • Writer's pictureMAREJ

Smith of Stafford Smith Realty announces sale of former Sea Bright Post Office building

SEA BRIGHT, NJ Ray Smith, Broker of Stafford Smith Realty, announced the sale of 1030 Ocean Ave., Sea Bright, NJ. The three story building was damaged considerably by Nor’easters Sandy and now is undergoing total renovations. The new owner, Thomas Bonfiglio, intends to open a full service restaurant in the building this summer.

The building formerly occupied the Sea Bright Post Office, a Café, Surf Shop and Hair Salon as well as apartments on the upper levels and several bungalow style buildings on the rear where it overlooks the Shrewsbury River. The storm destroyed the main level and rendered the building unsuitable for habitation while also destroying all the riverfront bungalows. Bonfiglio, an experienced and seasoned developer and restauranteur, saw the opportunity for redevelopment and the need in the market for a full service restaurant with waterfront. He has embraced the character of the structure and will be opening it with much of the original brick walls exposed.

“Sea Bright, like so many Jersey Shore towns, have embraced the opportunity to rebuild stronger and better prepared for a weather event like Sandy” said Ray Smith, sole real estate broker in the transaction.

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