What is your greatest professional accomplishment? Commuting to college for four years while working a full-time job. After college, running two successful business at the same time is up there as well. How do you contribute to your company and/or the industry? As a person that has strong morals and values, I offer loyalty, honesty and integrity to our industry. Who or what has been the strongest influence in your career? Family: Mother, Father and 2 older brothers. What impact has social media/networking had on your career? Social media is a huge part of how I operate so efficiently. I have met with a lot of extremely talented professionals on LinkedIn, by far my favorite social media platform. What unique qualities and or personality do you feel makes you most successful in your profession? What makes me most successful is my passion and drive when working for clients and candidates. If someone gives me an opportunity, I refuse to let them down. I will work day in and day out to get what they need accomplished because I care.