What impact has social media/networking had on your business?
For Levin, specifically, social media has become a great way to let our industry peers and clients know what we are up to. From new leasing and management agencies, to property renovations, leases and store openings we are using social platforms – especially LinkedIn – to get our news out and highlight our properties. We also are seeing our retail tenants leveraging social as a key marketing tool. This is particularly true among smaller, mom-and-pop type businesses, which may not have big advertising budgets, to publicize experience events and for postevent coverage. Facebook is a clear favorite for our tenants. Instagram and Pinterest, since they are so visual, also are popular choices. Live broadcasts from events on Facebook are trending as well.
What unique qualities and or personality traits do you feel make you most successful in your profession?
When it comes to marketing properties, and keeping Levin’s company branding and image fresh, my creative side pushes me to continually try new things and seek inspiration for “what’s next.” My background as an artist, photographer and graphic designer also is an asset when it comes to taking ideas and translating them into usable marketing tools.