What is your most notable project, deal or transaction? In December we completed the historical renovation of The Philadelphia Metropolitan Opera House a.k.a The Met Philly and opened the doors to this historical concert venue which had been shuttered for over 20 years. This was the final project in a 5-year program in which we invested $100+ million across the North Broad corridor. All of these projects were historic rehabs which have been underutilized for the past 20 years. Now when you walk up and down the North Broad Corridor, it’s a bustling neighborhood. It’s great to be involved in projects which do right for the community and make it a better place for all. The Met Philly was a $56 million rehab construction project, in which we were able to expedite the schedule to meet our tenants needs and accelerated schedule in order to open the doors for the Grand Opening with Bob Dylan on December 3, 2018. Since opening the doors, The Met has hosted concerts of all types, church services, comedy shows, boxing, and much more. Now this once blighted building is a community hub for all.