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  • Writer's pictureMAREJ

Unprecedented Times… Hear this often? How our world was turned upside-down in a matter of weeks

Second Quarter of 2020 started off with a bang. Stay-at-home orders, social distancing protocols and quarantines quickly became the new norm in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Professionals all over the globe are bringing business home, and while no one knows how long the home-life will last, we’re all trying to make the most out of this situation. But throughout all this uncertainly, the Lehigh Valley market has proven itself to be a source of strength throughout this pandemic. Immediate Changesin the Lehigh ValleyFor NAI Summit, adapting was the key to keeping business afloat and running as usual, even in the unusual. Once the mandated shut down occurred, our brokers and property managers had to quickly readjust their schedules and work days. Shifting from the usual inspections and meetings, everything became remote and technology has never been as useful for the real estate business than it is during Covid-19. But we weren’t alone. Local restaurants and retailers quickly shifted their business models to online ordering with drive-by pick-ups. Distilleries converted their operations into a production line for hand sanitizer to help aid with the lack of supply. Local manufacturers began using their facilities to make face masks, gowns and protective shields which were provided to our area hospital front line workers.

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