Melanie Rogacki

Director of Resource Management
Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.
Years with the company/firm: 11
Years in field: 20
Years in real estate industry: 18
Real estate organizations: CREW New Jersey
What is your current position?
I am the Director of Resource Management at Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. I am responsible for the recruiting, onboarding and management of our national and international subcontractor pool, both individuals and companies, that support our due diligence and solutions services. I also manage our internal scheduling team, which pairs assessors with projects.
Why did you choose the field/profession you are in today?
I took a very winding road to get where I am today, so my field sort of chose me. My degree is in Natural Resource Management because I thought, like so many others, that I was going to “save the world.” I ended up writing for a small magazine right out of college, and eventually found my way to the Asbury Park Press, where I worked my way up from paginator, to reporter, to an editor of several weekly sections. Eventually, a role at the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Communications department presented itself, and I worked there for two years. When I was laid off from that role, I finally landed in environmental consulting, where I put both my writing skills and love of research to good use. I worked my way up from assessor to project management, and finally into the role that I currently hold today.
How do you manage the work/life balance?
I have learned over time that neither work nor home can ever be perfectly in balance. Sometimes, ok most times, there will be dishes in the sink, not enough food in the fridge, and calls to parents to help shuttle kids to afterschool activities. At work there will be emails that get ignored and projects that get put off, but I try to prioritize both at home and at work so the important tasks get completed. I also exercise and try to maintain a healthy-ish diet to help manage the stress of juggling both worlds.
What unique qualities and/ or personality do you feel makes you most successful in your profession?
I think I am successful because I have a drive to learn and to take on challenges. I am also empathetic, which I think is crucial to being a good manager. I am more of a listener than a talker, and I read and listen to podcasts about leadership and management so I can continually improve on my skills.
What challenges and/or obstacles do you feel you needed to overcome to become as successful as you are today?
I had to learn how to speak up and trust my voice, to have confidence in my expertise, and how to have difficult conversations. I am an introvert, so these are skills that I need to work on regularly. Being an active CREW NJ member has really helped me face and overcome some of these challenges. Having a supportive network of friends and colleagues provides a safety net, and the programs I’ve attended have given me a framework to address my personal challenges.