Wilmington, DE — Integrated Viral Protection (IVP) hosted a hybrid on-site and virtual event in an important step in the fight against COVID-19. The event marked the offices at 3 Beaver Valley Road becoming the first corporate office building to implement the world's only COVID-killing Biodefense Indoor Air Protection System to enhance their HVAC infrastructure. Representatives of Wilmington's Mayor office and leading innovators, scientists and engineers were in attendance at the event that demonstrated how science and technology are leading businesses through this public health crisis and getting Americans back to work.
"The argument of whether this works or not is over," said guest panelist Rick Perry, 14th US Secretary of Energy and former Governor of Texas. "This is a powerful tool that deals with COVID-19. And yes, we're facing COVID now but, in the future, there will be other influenzas, other viruses to deal with. This isn't about a quick fix for now. This is about a long-term investment in your business, in your schools, in your airports, and the like. This is about letting your customers, students, and staff know that they can come into your building and be safe."
Guest speakers discussed how cleaner indoor air and advancements in technology will help support recovery from the global pandemic. IVP's award-winning technology is proven to destroy SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 (99.999%), anthrax spores, and other airborne pathogens instantaneously, in a single pass.
"No one thought COVID would come to Victoria, but COVID doesn't have boundaries," added Christina Adrean, CEO of Post Acute Medical. "Our community now believes our hospital is the safest in Victoria as we're the only one to have this wonderful machine. We haven't had a single employee or patient contract COVID since the filtration system was installed."