ALEXANDRIA, VA — Volunteers of America is frequently listed as one of the nation’s top providers of housing for homeless veterans but it also provides low and moderate income level housing for other homeless populations including families with children; seniors; recently incarcerated adults; and people with disabilities, including physical and mental disabilities. While finding and securing affordable housing is easier in some areas of the country than others it is still a challenge. Although Volunteers of America is often able to secure abandoned and foreclosed buildings that may be eyesores to the community, the organization still sometimes faces community pushback—“not in my back yard,” or NIMBYism. Foreclosed hotels and motels have been particularly useful for housing homeless populations. In Cocoa, FL, Volunteers of America has been able to place 257 homeless veterans in transitional housing in a foreclosed motel. In New Orleans, more than 75 formerly homeless seniors live in a foreclosed hotel that was purchased and renovated by Volunteers of America.